Workshop Features



    Hello members of the MOVEMENT,

    Today, my blog will be in reference to understanding the mission and goal for A Movement 4 Improvement [Life Is To Be Enjoyed NOT Annoyed]. Over the past 3 months, we have been trying to incorporate our FOUR components [Networking, Technology, Social Media, and Online Marketplace] into ONE Platform. Since we have so many moving parts working simultaneously together, it can be a bit confusing for new members. Therefore, we are incorporating a step by step system demonstrating how to follow our pathway to helping each other achieve success in life.   

    To achieve this goal, we are adding WORKSHOPS to the platform. I know what you’re thinking; not another addition to the Platform. The WORKSHOPS will be the final piece of the puzzle in order to complete the PATHWAY for members of the MOVEMENT to help each other achieve success in life. When I say achieving success in life, I’m not just referring to financial stability. This seems to be the interpretation by MOST members of the MOVEMENT. Here are a few examples of how to achieve success in life.

    1. Developing the right “fixed and growth” mindset to achieve and maintain financial freedom.
    2. Developing mental toughness.
    3. Developing a happy and fulfilled lifestyle.
    4. Developing a safe and healthy lifestyle.
    5. Developing a loving and caring relationship with yourself and others.

    Why is this necessary for members of the MOVEMENT? Employers ONLY train their employees how to become successful manufacturing or selling THEIR  product or service. So, who teaches you how to become successful in life? This is something MOST individuals must learn through trial and error. Only to be criticized by others for our failures in life. Our WORKSHOPS will help members of the MOVEMENT achieve success in life and convert that criticism into capitalism.

    Our WORKSHOPS are sort of an orientation members of the MOVEMENT can attend to help you navigate through our PATHWAY to achieving success in life. While it’s NOT mandatory, we will offer CREDIT POINTS towards our TWO Monthly Contests paying CASH PRIZES for attending the WORKSHOPS.

    Here is a brief overview of what to expect from the WORKSHOPS pertaining to this topic:

    Prioritizing: When trying to accomplish something, you have to prioritize the relevance of whatever you are trying to achieve. There are many factors to consider when making this decision. Some people can multitask, while others rather finish one task before starting another. Our WORKSHOPS will help you determine the best way to prioritize in order to become successful in life.

    Planning: There are people who love to plan, people who love being spontaneous, and people who are a bit of both. Personally, I’m a bit of both. And I usually regret SOME of those spontaneous decisions. Being successful in life requires planning, because it’s a step by step process that’s continuous changing over a period of time. You must have a plan in place to get the results you are trying to achieve. The WORKSHOPS will help make this a smooth transition.

    Patience: If you want to achieve success in life, you MUST have patience. After all, life is usually over a LONG period of time. Success is a process of progress. It doesn’t happen overnight and requires 100% effort on your part, “lot’s of patience”, and [sometimes] a little bit of luck along the way. Our WORKSHOPS will show you how to be patient and persevere during this entire process.

    Peace Of Mind: What is your definition of “peace of mind”? Are you currently enjoying it? If not, what will it take to help you get there? Is so, how long do you think it will last? You see, it’s really hard to have peace of mind when you can’t control the situation. Within the blink of an eye, your situation can change. And there goes your peace of mind. Our WORKSHOPS will show you how to follow our step by step pathway to achieve success in life. This also allows you to have peace of mind on a daily basis, because you now control your financial destination and can dictate other aspects of your life, as well.  

    Permanent: What in this life is permanent? If you live long enough, life will bring you more BROKEN promises AFTER guarantees. Although this is sad, it’s also true. We live in a world that’s constantly changing at a fast pace. Unfortunately, technology now prevents things from being permanent or without restrictions. Our WORKSHOPS will be continuously updated with the latest changes in technology to assure your pathway to achieving success in life is permanent instead of temporary.

    Hopefully, the above information will give you a better understanding of why members of the MOVEMENT are encouraged to attend the WORKSHOPS. We anticipate starting our WORKSHOPS in the beginning of February. I hope to see you there!

    Thanks for reading my BLOG and have a wonderful day. The “impossible” only exist when we allow it to become “possible”. Together, we are UNSTOPPABLE!

    With much love and blessings,

    Barry Davis


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